Things Worrying You?
Please talk to a friend or a member of staff
If you don't want to talk to Mrs Furlong, or another member of staff, directly,
why not contact them by:
1. Using the Worry Box in your class.
2. e-mail them:
There are charities and other groups who may be able to help you too,
SHOUT - text ‘Shout’ to 85258 for 24/7 crisis text support
Childline - under 19s can call 0800 1111 for free support
Education Support - school staff can call 08000 562 561 or text 07909 341229 for 24/7 help and advice
YoungMinds parents helpline - 0808 802 5544, Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm Autism helpline - call 0808 800 4104, Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm