Community Links
Food Waste Strategy
Our Eco-Warriors are leading an initiative with the local council to increase the number of households recycling food waste. As a school, we have started to recycle our food waste which reduces the carbon dioxide emissions and also saves the school money at the same time. As part of the initiative, which is sponsored by H W Martins who run the council's recycling centres, the children are collecting 'pledges' from local residents. Once 1500 pledges have been collected, the school will receive a wildflower meadow on the school grounds. Congratulations to Penny Y5 for designing the winning sticker which will be found on food caddies all round Neston.
Our fabulous choir sing at many events around Neston. Most recently, they sang at the Neston Winter Fair.
Silver Mail
For a number of years, our Y5 children have been pen pals with a number of elderly Neston residents. Silver Mail provides the opportunity for inter-generational links through letter writing and sharing events.