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0151 832 6251



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At Neston Primary School, we shape our history curriculum to ensure it encompasses the need of each individual child and our local area is also celebrated with its own rich history as a feature of the school. 
Topics across school are governed by the National Curriculum, with a wide coverage that develops knowledge, thinking and understanding. The children will learn about particular events, characters and time periods but they also should have a chronological understanding, in order to make links between events.

We aim to inspire pupil’s curiosity to know more about the past through delivering high-quality lessons that encourage children to ask perceptive questions, think critically and to explore evidence. We then hope the children will have the confidence to have their own viewpoint and challenge those of others.

The pupil’s learning experience will also be enhanced by trips and visiting experts being organised by the class teachers. In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning, the children should have a full understanding of British History, from the Stone Age to the present day, ensuring progression of the key skills. 

In EYFS, we follow the ‘Development Matters’, which aims for all children in our EY provision to have an ‘understanding of the World.’ Progression will be evidenced by the children’s history books that will move up with them throughout their time at school.

Children at Neston Primary will be fully equipped with the skills and knowledge to see them through to KS3 and future life experiences. 


Neston Primary School

Burton Road, Neston,Cheshire, CH64 9RE

Claire Evans | Bursar

0151 832 6251